Do you remember those days while you used to play a lot with your friends? There were sunshine, laugh, pain and lots of enjoyment. You may have left those time. But, the memories! It’s always were there and will be.
One day your kids will be adult. What they will have to remember from their childhood? Video game and books- is that all?
Of course, something more should be there in their memory lane. But it’s just the emotional side. With the word ‘play’, we relate kids the most.
Obviously, there are reasons behind it. Nowadays, we are so busy to make our kid’s future secure that we are not letting them flourish in natural way.
But, there are so many strong reasons for what you should let your kid play outdoors. Do you have a kid? Then, for his/her sake, let’s take a look on this article at least once!
Physical exercise
Like the every other person, kids need to exercise too. Their physical exercise means much more than the general, as their every body part is growing. Their body bone, muscles and, even their brain too, get affected by physical activity. There are indoor games that can make your child think more creatively, turn their brain into a sharp one. But, with the oxygen, physical activity and colorful features- outdoor games will help them to be healthy both mentally and physically.
It’s sun!
Sun plays a very important role in our life. Our mood, our thinking process, our body shape- sun has influence on all of it. Sunshine doesn’t only help kids to be more cheerful. It helps them to make their bone stronger through ensuring proper Vitamin D. Our body immune system also gets boost with Sunshine.
Being social
Socialization is not all about going to a birthday party or attending to a social event. For your kids, socialization starts from the playground. There the most introvert child also manage to be the cheerful one. Sports make people be friends with each other. If your children plays with his/her friends, then it will start their first lesson of socialization.
Being a leader
Do you want to make your kid someone responsible? In the field, when your kid will be there to lead a team or make a decision, it will teach him/her how to be a good leader. They will learn working with others. Doing any work is easy. But, if you want to do it with a team, you need patience, assumption quality, mentality to work hard etc. your kid will have all these things from their playground. Even, they will gain some important life skills from the sports too. Every kind of sports teach us something. The most important thing it teach us is doing work together and taking the responsibility. Besides their school, to make your kid prepared for the life, their playground can be the best place!
Face the risk
If you have a kid, you will try to always be there in any problem. We all have that emotion attached to our kids. Sometimes, it creates suffocation for them. But not only that, sometimes, overprotective behavior force them to stay in a bubble. Just think about it. You won’t be able to there always for your kid. If anything comes around then, what they will do? Who will provide them decision or safety? That is why they need to face the risk too! In the playground, while playing outdoor games, kids face challenges and risk. They take decision on themselves. They face the risk, they face the problem and they solve it. World is full of risk. Your kid needs to know how to face the world by himself. So, let them know it!
Building creative mind
You should nurture your kid’s creative mind too. But how to do that? Letting them playing outside can be a better way that you can choose. There, they will have more things to explore. Inside games also can creatively improve kid’s brain and creativity. But, there they just get limited option to explore and experience.
Better academic performance
Do you want a good academic result from your kid? It’s not like that, pushing them regarding being in home will improve the result. In an experiment it was detected that, kids who spend their time a little bit in playing outside, perform better in their academic side. Whether it is science, commerce or humanities, they can think and do better in every sector.
Happy mind
Of course, even in your age if you go outside and play some game, you feel good. Then why not your children? Moreover, it is their age when they can get the happiness most in a fresh mind. So, let them play. It will change their mood. They will feel happy. And if they feel happy, you will feel happy too!
Me time
It is not always about your child. Sometimes, it is about you too. As a parent you may want some me time. If your child is having some good feelings and enjoying while playing, you should let them go outside and enjoy your time too.
Hey Dad, Check this article and discover good Dad habits.
Making friends
We all need friends in our life. If your kid doesn’t learn the process of being a friend, it will make them suffer lifelong. Besides, we connect with so many people in our life. We become friends. But, they don’t last. Only the childhood friends remain always there. Playing out will help your kid to make new friend and be in the process. Your this little decision may turn their life into a beautiful one!
Better sleep
Is your child facing problem regarding sleeping? It is proven that, kids who spend hours with screen light, they tend to sleep less than the others. This lack in sleep creates issues with their activity and academic result. On the other hand, if you provide them proper time to play outside, they will get exposure to the sunlight and after having some physical work, it will make themselves tired. They will sleep like a log! To ensure proper sleep to your kid, let them play outside.
Feelings of being independent
Everyone want some sort of independence. It’s true for your kid too. They also want to explore the world, make their own little decision, and contribute in something. While playing outside, they gets the opportunity to taste all these portion of independence. They get to know that, beside their family, as a kid, they have some place where they can act according to their wish. Normally, we want to protect our little ones and some of us get really super protective. In this case, playing outside will help them to feel that they are independent.
These days, kids are really being caged with the tech products. But, that should not be the case. Whatever the situation is, kids need to play outside, under the sunlight, in the breeze. Though, this is a little bit tough to manage all the things around the kid and ensure their proper quality time in outside. But, try a little bit more. Like the other things, playing outside is also something very important for the proper mental and physical nourishment of your kid.