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Yes, your toddler is growing, and you love to see them grow in the crib. But do you know that your toddler can injure him by climbing the crib he is staying in?

Yes, almost all the kids try to get out of the crib by climbing. So, what to do when your toddler keeps climbing out of the crib? 

Let us discuss the details so that you can safeguard your baby!

How to Keep Toddlers inside the Crib?

What to do when your toddler keeps Climbing Out of the Crib

Removing Stuff

The first thing you can do when you see a toddler climbing out of the crib is to keep the crib clean. If there are too many things indie the crib, they will use them for getting out of the area.

No matter there are blankets or toys, stuffed animals or pillows, your kid will gather them up and manage to make them a method for escaping. All you have to do is remove these items from the crib so that your kid cannot try to get out!

Also, do not overreact before your kid when they try to climb the crib. If you overreact much, they will get more interested in doing it. Also, to keep eyes on them, get a nursery camera; it keeps them safe!

Crib Setting

Another option you can settle for here is to change the mattress settings first. In almost all cribs, there are options for setting the mattress to an adjustable height. So, you can quickly get it out higher or lower.

Take the mattress to a lower position; go as low as you can! If it doesn’t work, check the lower end of the crib and put it on the backside.

As a result, the lower end will be on the back, and your kid will be fighting with the higher end that he cannot climb! There are times when one toddler influences the other one for escaping.

To be precise, they help each other. When you see that you cannot stop one kid from influencing the other and the crib-climbing, this is going on, again and again, separate the kids! It sounds harsh, but it works!

Would you like to check some good twin mattresses for kids? Check here

Sleep Sack is the Key

When babies grow up a little, they will try to escape the crib. However, in most cases, before being one year old, they do not usually try to run the crib by climbing.

But there are also times when the babies of 8-9 months trying to get out of the crib because they have better growth. These babies usually grow faster, stand faster, and walk more quickly.

If you see that your infant is too early for the situation, you have to use a sleep sack. With this gear’s help, you can easily keep your baby’s legs and feet in the right place.

As a result, they won’t be able to move them. However, it shouldn’t be too snug for your baby to feel uncomfortable. Ensure it is the right size for them to move, but they cannot climb for the sacks.

It will discourage your baby’s climbing interest and will keep him safe from falling from the crib!

Avoid Crib Tents

Mostly, we see parents getting crib tents to keep their babies inside the crib. But if you go through expert advice, all you need to do is avoid it!

The tents can be dangerous for your baby’s health. The kid can easily strangle him with the tents.

When your baby tries to move inside the crib, there is a chance to wrap themselves in the fabric. This can bring you unwanted news and so, we recommend you not to use it.

baby playing in nursery

Get a Big Kid Bed

You might think that your kid is already a grown-up, but trust us; this is where almost all parents do wrong!

Just because your baby is trying to climb the crib doesn’t mean he is ready to get out of the four-walled crib. As the kids have an impulsive nature, they will always show this JAILBREAK nature.

But you do not need to make a decision so fast. In such situations, what you can do is get a bed. However, your kid might not be ready for the big bed too!

The only option left for the situation is a big kid-bed. Kid beds are bigger than the crib but smaller than the big beds.

Wrap Up

Now, you have learned how to keep your toddler away from climbing the crib! All you need to do is keep your eyes open and observe every inch of your child’s growth. That’s how you know when to do what

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This is Robert. Blessed with two baby girls. A working dad and a part-time blogger. Love cycling with my family and I will never stop exploring.Playground Dad is my baby and the goal is to help working parents to pick the best baby products within budget.

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